- International presentations
75. Jun Zhang, Jun Hyun Han
“Thermal properties and failure mechanism of graphene nanoplatelet-reinforced copper composites fabricated using electroless plating”, International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE 2023), Nov. 2023, Busan, Korea.
“Thermal properties and failure mechanism of graphene nanoplatelet-reinforced copper composites fabricated using electroless plating”, International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE 2023), Nov. 2023, Busan, Korea.
74. Dong Gil Lee, Jun Hyun Han
“Thermal properties of 3-D network r-GO foam/Cu composites”, International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE 2023), Nov. 2023, Busan, Korea.
“Thermal properties of 3-D network r-GO foam/Cu composites”, International Conference on Surface Engineering (ICSE 2023), Nov. 2023, Busan, Korea.
73. You Han Sohn, Jun Hyun Han
“Thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion of graphite-particle-reinforced copper composites”, 27th Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-27), July 2019, Granada, Spain.
72. Mu Suob Jeong, Jun Hyun Han
“Effect of heat treatment on microstructure of Cu-Sn alloy”, The 7th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering, Nov. 2018, Xian, China.
71. Mu Seob Jeong, Jun Hyun Han
“Improvement of mechanical properties by heat treatment in high tin bronze”, 2018 International Research Symposium on Engineering and Technology (IRSET 2018), Aug. 2018, Singapore, Singapore.
70. You Han Sohn, Jun Hyun Han
“Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Graphite Reinforced Copper Composites with Different Graphite Shapes”, 2018 International Research Symposium on Engineering and Technology (IRSET 2018), Aug. 2018, Singapore, Singapore.
69. Taeyang Han, Youhan Sohn, Sangyeol Kim, Hyun You Kim, Sang-ro Lee, Jun Hyun Han
“Recycling of Sn from SnO2 using methane gas”, MSSM 2018 5th International Conference on Material Science & Smart Materials, Aug. 2018, Glasgow, Scotland.
68. Sang-Yeol Kim, Junsik Choi, Sang-Ro Lee, Hyun-You Kim, Jun Hyun Han
“A study on the control of copper and antimony in crude tin using electrolytic refining”, 2018 The 3rd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Smart Materials (ICEESM 2018), June 2018, Milan, Italy.
67. You Han Sohn, Jun Hyun Han
“Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Copper-Graphite-CNF Composite”, The 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials Research (ICAMR 2018), Jan. 2018, Fukuoka, Japan
66. Tae Yang Han, Jun Hyun Han
“Direct Growth of Graphene on NiTi Alloy for Reduction of Magnetic Resonance Artifact”, The 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials Research (ICAMR 2018), Jan. 2018, Fukuoka, Japan
65. Tae Yang Han, You Han Sohn, Sang Yeol Kim, Hyun Chul Jung, Hyunyoo Kim, Sang Ro Lee, Jun Hyun Han
“Effects of flow rate of methane gas on reduction of tin oxide”, 2nd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Smart Materials (ICEESM 2017), July 2017, Ryon, France.
64. Sang-Yeol Kim, Hyun-Chol Jung, Sang-Ro Lee, Hyunyoo Kim, Jun Hyun Han
“Study on recovery of tin from tin plating sludge using dry smelting and electrolytic refining”, 2017 The 2nd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Smart Materials (ICEESM 2017), July 2017, Ryon, France.
63. Ari Shin, Sang Jin Park, Jun Hyun Han
“Effects of carbon coating on magnetic susceptibility of NiTi alloy”, The Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society 146th Annual Meeting (TMS 2017 Annual Meeting), Feb. 2017, San Diego, United States.
62. Ari Shin, Sang Jin Park, Jun Hyun Han
“Thermal properties of CNF/Cu nano-composites fabricated using electroless plating”, The 24th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM9), Aug. 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
61. Ari Shin, Jun Hyun Han
“Study on the dispersion method of CNF for high thermal conductivity in CNF/Cu nanocomposites”, 24th International Conference on Composites/Nano-Engineering (ICCE-24), July 2016, Haikou, China.
60. Jun Hyun Han
“Fabrication of copper pattern with high adhesion via nano-structuring of PET substrate”, International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing Advanced Materials Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Application (THERMEC 2016), May 2016, Graz, Austria.
59. A. R. Shin, S. C. Cho, S. J. Park, J. H. Han
“Thermal properties of CNF/Cu nano-composites fabricated using electroless plating”, 14th International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM2015), Oct. 2015, Jeju, Korea.
58. Sang Jin Park, Tae-JunKo, Juil Yoon, Myoung-Woon Moon, Jun Hyun Han
“Direct patterning of copper circuit on PET using selective surface modification and electroless plating”, 14th International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM2015), Oct. 2015, Jeju, Korea.
57. K. K. Jee, J. H. Han, W. Y. Jang
“SMA actuator with least energy consumption”, International Conference on Martensitic Transformations 2014 (ICOMAT2014), July 2014, Bilbao, Spain.
56. Sung Chul Cho, Hye Sung Kim, Jun Hyun Han
“Effects of AlN Volume Fraction on Thermal Properties of AlN/Cu Composite”, 1st International Conference on Computational and experimental methods for composite materials and structures (ICCEMCMS2014), Sept. 2014, Harbin, China.
55. Sang Jin Park, Tae-Jun Ko, Myoung-Woon Moon, Juil Yoon, Jun Hyun Han
“Direct copper patterning on polyethylene terephthalate using surface modification and electroless plating”, TMS 2014, Feb. 2014, San Diego, USA
54. Junwoo Lee, Yong Kyoung Yoo, Jun Hyun Han, Jeong Hoon Lee
“All-thin-film MEMS based PZT/Terfenol-D Magnetoelectric devices”, The 2nd International Conference on Advanced electromaterials (ICAE2013), Nov. 2013, Jeju, Korea
53. S.J. Park, T.J. Ko, M.W. Moon, O.C. Kwon, J.I. Yoon, J.H. Han
“Adhesion between nano-structured PET and electroless plated copper film”, 8th CNU-NUDT International Joint symposium, Aug. 2013, Daejeon, Korea
52. Jun Hyun Han
“Deformation Behaviors and Texture Evolution during In-situ Deformation of Aluminum Single Crystal”, 8th CNU-NUDT International Joint symposium, Aug. 2013, Daejeon, Korea
51. Kwang Koo Jee, Jun Hyun Han, Woo Yang Jang
“Some merits of coil orientation change for shape memory alloys”, The 8th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM8), Aug. 2013, Hawaii, USA
50. Jun Hyun Han, Kwang Koo Jee
“Carbon nanofiber reinforced Al matrix composites fabricated by melt stirring”, Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CC3DMR 2013), June 2013, Jeju, Korea
49. Yong Seok Choi, Kyung Il Kim, Heung Nam Han, Kyu Hwan Oh, Suk Hoon Kang, Jinsung Jang, and Jun-Hyun Han
“Dynamic recrystallization of high purity aluminum at room temperature”, 5th International Conference on Recrystallization & Grain Growth (ReX&GG 2013), May 2013, Sydney, Australia
48. Jun Hyun Han, Se Il Oh, Young Jin Ko
“Development of CNF Reinforced Aluminum Nanocomposites Using Liquid Processing”, 7th CNU-NUDT International Joint symposium, Nov. 2012, Changsa, China
47. Dong Gun Lee, Sung Man Kim, Yong Kyung Yoo, Jun Hyun Han, Won Woo Jo, Jeong Hoon Lee
“All Thin Film Micromachined Cantilever Using PZT/Terfenol-D Multilayer for High Sensitive Magnetoelectric Sensors”, Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science (PRiME 2012), Oct. 2012, Hawaii, USA
46. Dong Gun Lee, Jun woo Lee, Wook Choi, Jun Hyun Han, Jeong Hoon Lee
“High sensitive magnetoelectric micro-bridge current sensors”, International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE2012), Sep. 2012, Jeju, Korea
45. T.J. Lee, H.J. Kim, J.H. Han
“Magnetic properties of Fe-Si cores isolated by NiZn-ferrite coating”, The 7th Korea-Vietnam International Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials, Sep. 2012, Gyeongju, Korea
44. Y.B. Lee, J.Y. Lim, Y.C. Kim, J.H. Han
“Effect of CNF content on the wear behavior of CNF/Al nano-composites”, The 7th Korea-Vietnam International Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials, Sep. 2012, Gyeongju, Korea
43. Jun Hyun Han
“Fabrication of CNF/Aluminum nanocomposites using liquid processing”, The 7th Korea-Vietnam International Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials, Sep. 2012, Gyeongju, Korea
42. Jun Young Lim, Yu Chan Kim, Young Jin Ko, Jun Hyun Han
“The mechanical properties of carbon nanofiber (CNF) reinforced A7021 nanocomposite fabricated by liquid process”, International Union of Materials Research Society–International Confernece in Asia 2012 (IUMRS-ICA 2012), Aug. 2012, Busan, Korea
41. Jun Hyun Han, Juil Yoon, Kwang Koo Jee, Joost J. Vlassak
“Thermoelastic Strain in Polycrystalline Fe-Pd Shape Memory Alloy Thin Film”, International Union of Materials Research Society–International Confernece in Asia 2012 (IUMRS-ICA 2012), Aug. 2012, Busan, Korea
40. J. Yoon, J.H. Han, E.S. Park, J.P. Ahn
“The study on the thermo-mechanical enhancement of electronic packaging using high volume fraction AlN/Al composites”, International Union of Materials Research Society – International Confernece in Asia 2012 (IUMRS-ICA 2012), Aug. 2012, Busan, Korea
39. J. Yoon, J.H. Han
“Evaluation of the effective thermal Properties of Metal-Matrix Composites by considering the filler distribution”, 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM15), June 2012. Venice, Italy
38. J.H. Han, S.E. Oh, J.Y. Lim, K.K. Jee, J. Yoon“Wear characterization of CNF/Al composites fabricated by liquid processing”, 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM15), June 2012. Venice, Italy
37. Yong Seok Choi, Do Hyun Kim, Hyun Sik Choi, Suk Hoon kang, Jun Hyun Han, Heung Nam Han, Kyu Hwan Oh
“In-situ microstructure evolution of pure aluminum single crystal under plane strain tension”, 2012 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2012), Mar. 2012, Orlando, USA
36. J.H. Han, S.I. Oh, J.Y. Lim
“Mechanical properties of CNF/Al alloy nanocomposites fabricated by liquid processing”, 2011 CNU-HU Joint Symposium, Nov. 2011, Daejeon, Korea
35. J. Yoon, E.S. Park, J.H. Han
“The Effective Thermal Conductivity of Square Lattice Structure of High Filler Loading Composites Using Finite Element Simulation”, The 18th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM18), Aug. 2011, Jeju, Korea
34. J.H. Han, S.I. Oh, J.Y. Lim, J. Yoon, Y.M. Sung
“Fabrication of carbon nano fiber reinforced aluminum composites by liquid processing” THERMEC 2011, Aug. 2011, Quebec, Canada
33. Kwang Koo Jee, Jun Hyun Han, J.M. Park, Woo Yang Jang,
“New SMA Actuator with High Energy Efficiency and Quick Response”, RICM7, Aug. 2010, Cairns, Australia.
32. Jun Hyun Han, Hyun Tae Ahn, Tae Hyun Kim, Kwang Koo Jee,
“Shape Memory Effect in Fe-Pd Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy Thin Films”, RICM7, Aug. 2010, Cairns, Australia.
31. Jun Hyun Han, Hyun Kwang Seok, Sang Soo Lee, Kwang Koo Jee,
“Copper plating on carbon nanotube for manufacturing aluminum matrix composites”, E-MRS 2009 Fall meeting (E-MRS2009), Sep. 2009, Warsawa, Poland
30. Kyung Ho Kim, Hyung-jun Kim, Il Jae Shin, Jun-Hyun Han, and Suk Hee Han,
“Epitaxial relationship of Fe/MgO on InxGa1-xAs substrate”, Asian Magnetic Conference 2008, Dec. 2008. 12, Busan, Korea
29. J. H. Han, J. P. Ahn, D. H. Kim, K. H. Oh, S. H. Han,
“Nitrogen induced amorphization of crystallized Fe-Si-B-Cu-Nb amorphous powders”, 2008 MRS Fall Meeting (MRS2008), Dec. 2008, Boston, USA
28. H. T. Ahn, M. -W. Moon, S. H. Han, S. H. Lim, J. H. Han,
“Effects of magnetic substrate on magnetic properties of sputtered Fe thin film”, 4th Vacuum and surface science conference of Asia and Australia (VASSCAA-4), Oct. 2008, Matsue, Japan
27. Jun-Hyun Han, Jae-Hyun Kim, Myoung-Woon Moon, Seoung-Hee Han, Joost J. Vlassak,
“Surface instability caused by stress during chemical etching of silicon wafer”, First International Coference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP 2008), August 2008, Cheju, Korea
26. M.-W. Moon, J.-H. Han, K.-R. Lee and, K.H. Oh,
“A Direct Nano-scale Patterning Method on Soft Polymers Using Focused Ion Beam Technique”, First International Coference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP 2008), August 2008, Cheju, Korea
25. K. K. Jee, J. H. Han, Y. B. Kim, D. H. Lee, W. Y. Jang,
“New method for improving properties of SMA coil spring”, 2007 International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (2007 SMST), Dec. 1007, Tsukuba, Japan
24. Myung Woon Moon, Jun Hyun Han, Kwang Ryeol Lee, Kyu Hwan Oh, Ashkan Vaziri, John W. Hutchinson,
“Ripples on Polyimide Induced by Focused Ion Beam”, 2007 MRS Fall Meeting (MRS2007), Nov. 2007, Boston, USA
23. Jun-Hyun Han, Jae-Hyun Kim, Won-Young Jeung, Joost J. Vlassak,
“Effects of stress on surface roughness in chemical etching of silicon”, 2007 MRS Fall Meeting (MRS2007), Nov. 2007, Boston, USA
22. Myoung-Woon Moon and Jun Hyun Han,
“A Measurement of Elastic Modulus for a Tungsten Film on Polymer Using Wrinkling Analysis”, International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Materials (ICM 10), July 2007, Busan, Korea
21. Jun Hyun Han, Myoung Woon Moon, Jae Hyun Kim Joost, J. Vlassak,
“Evaluation of elastic moduli of multi-layered thin films on polymer substrates using wrinkling analysis”, 2006 MRS Fall Meeting (MRS2006), Nov. 2006, Boston, USA
20. J. H. Han, T. H. Kim, J. K. Yoon, K. K. Jee, K. Y. Kim
“Chemical vapor deposition of nitride film on Fe-based powder”, European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2005), Sep. 2005, Czech, Prague
19. J. Chang, S. Han, H. Kim. J. Han
“Annealing effect on the magnetoresistance of electroplated bismuth film”, European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2005), Sep. 2005, Czech, Prague
18. K. K. Jee, J. H. Han, W. Y. Jang
“Effect of grain size on amount of deformation-induced e martensite and shape memory alloy in Fe-Mn alloy”, E-MRS 05, Sep. 2005, Warszawa, Poland
17. B. Choi, Joonyeon Chang, J. Han, S. H. Han, H.J. KIm, G. T. Kim
“Annealing effect on the magnetoresistance of electroplated bismuth film”, The 12th Int. Conf. on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials (RQ12), Aug. 2005, Jeju, Korea
16. Jun-Hyun Han, Tae-Hoon Kim Jin-Kook Yoon, Kwang-Koo Jee, Kwang-Yoon Kim
“Formation of nitride film on amorphous ribbon using chemical vapor deposition”, The 12th Int. Conf. on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials (RQ12), Aug. 2005, Jeju, Korea
15. K. K. Jee, J. H. Han, W. Y. Jang
“New method of pipe joining using shape memory alloys”, Int. Conf. on Martensitic Transformations (ICOMAT 05), June 2005, Shanghai, China
14. Jun-Hyun Han, Jin-Kook Yoon, Kwang-Koo Jee, Jae-Chul Lee
“Texture evolution and formability in 1050 Al alloys processed by continuous equal channel angular pressing”, The 11th Int. Symposium on Plasticity and Current Application (Plasticity 2005), p.43-45, Jan. 2005, Lihue, Hawaii, USA.
13. Jun-Hyun Han, Hyung-Joon Chang, Jin-Kook Yoon, Kwang-Koo Jee, Jong-Woo Park, Kyu Hwan Oh
“Deformation behavior analysis in ECAP using arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Formulation”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM-2), p.426-428, Oct. 2004, UCLA, USA.
12. Jun-Hyun Han, Dong-Ik Kim, Kwang-Koo Jee, Kyu-Hwam Oh
“In-situ orientation Rotation Behavior Study during Tensile Deformation of Aluminum Single crystal and Polycrystal”, The 3rd International Symposium on Designing, Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials (ASAEM-2003), Nov. 2003, Jeju, Korea.
11. Jun-Hyun Han, Dong-Ik Kim, Kwang-Koo Jee, Kyu-Hwam Oh
“Crystallographic Evolution in Aluminum Single Crystal During In-situ Tensile Deformation”, The 13th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA-13), Aug. 2003, Budapest, Hungary
10. Jun-Hyun Han, Kyu-Hwan Oh, Jae-Chul Lee
“Effect of Accumulative Strain on the Texture Evolution in 1050 Al alloys Processed by Continuous Confined Strip Shearing”, The 13th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA-13), Aug. 2003, Budapest, Hungary
9. Jun-Hyun Han, Kyu Hwan Oh, Young Hoon Chung
“In Situ Deformation Behavior Study during Uniaxial Tension of Aluminum Alloys Using a High Resolution EBSD”, The Sixth Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications (AEPA2002), Dec. 2002, Sydney, Australia
8. K.K. Park, S.T. Oh, S.M. Baeck, D.-I. Kim, J.H. Han, H.N. Han, S.-H. Park, C.G. Lee, S.-J. Kim,K.H. Oh
“In Situ Deformation Behavior of Retained Austenite in TRIP Steel”, Thirteenth International Conference of Textures of Materials (ICOTOM13), Aug, 2002, Seoul, Korea
7. Jun-Hyun Han, Suk Min Baeck, Kyu Hwan Oh and Young Hoon Chung
“Orientation Correction Method of Distorted Samples During In-situ Deformations Using High Resolution EBSD”, Thirteenth International Conference of Textures of Materials (ICOTOM13), Aug, 2002, Seoul, Korea
6. Jun-Hyun Han, Kyu Hwan Oh, Kwang Koo Jee, Young Hoon Chung, Myung Chul Shin
“Texture Evolutions of 5052 Aluminum Alloy Sheets Processed by Dissimilar Channel Angular Pressing”, Thirteenth International Conference of Textures of Materials (ICOTOM13), Aug, 2002, Seoul, Korea
5. Tae-In Kim, Jun Hyun Han, Eui-Kwan Hwang
“A SEM study on fitness of the Protect-447 dental implant”, The 24th Asia Pacific Dental Congress, April 2002, Seoul, Korea
4. Jun-Hyun Han, Kyu-Hwan Oh, Kwang Koo Jee Young-Hoon Chung, Myung-Chul Shin
“Formability and planar anisotropy of 5052 Al alloy Sheets processed by Continuous Equal Channel Angular Pressing”, The Fourth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), Dec. 2001, Hawai, USA
3. J. C. Lee, J. H. Han, H. K. Seok, H. I. Lee
“Structural evolutions of the strip cast Al alloy sheet processed by continuous confined strip shearing based on equal channel angular pressing”, The Fourth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), Dec. 2001, Hawai, USA
2. J. C. Lee, H. K. Seok, J. H. Han, J. Y. Suh, H. I. Lee
“Texture evolutions of the strip cast Al alloy sheet processed by continuous confined strip shearing based on Equal Channel Angular pressing”, The Second Int. Conf. on Light Materials for Transportation System ( LIMAT-2001) p.317-324, May 2001, Pusan, Korea
1. J. H. Han, M. C. Shin, H. Kang
“The Effect of Grain Structure on the Current-Density Exponent in the Black Equation for Al-Based Interconnects”, The 4th International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM98), Aug, 1998, Jeju, Korea
“Thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion of graphite-particle-reinforced copper composites”, 27th Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-27), July 2019, Granada, Spain.
72. Mu Suob Jeong, Jun Hyun Han
“Effect of heat treatment on microstructure of Cu-Sn alloy”, The 7th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering, Nov. 2018, Xian, China.
71. Mu Seob Jeong, Jun Hyun Han
“Improvement of mechanical properties by heat treatment in high tin bronze”, 2018 International Research Symposium on Engineering and Technology (IRSET 2018), Aug. 2018, Singapore, Singapore.
70. You Han Sohn, Jun Hyun Han
“Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Graphite Reinforced Copper Composites with Different Graphite Shapes”, 2018 International Research Symposium on Engineering and Technology (IRSET 2018), Aug. 2018, Singapore, Singapore.
69. Taeyang Han, Youhan Sohn, Sangyeol Kim, Hyun You Kim, Sang-ro Lee, Jun Hyun Han
“Recycling of Sn from SnO2 using methane gas”, MSSM 2018 5th International Conference on Material Science & Smart Materials, Aug. 2018, Glasgow, Scotland.
68. Sang-Yeol Kim, Junsik Choi, Sang-Ro Lee, Hyun-You Kim, Jun Hyun Han
“A study on the control of copper and antimony in crude tin using electrolytic refining”, 2018 The 3rd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Smart Materials (ICEESM 2018), June 2018, Milan, Italy.
67. You Han Sohn, Jun Hyun Han
“Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Copper-Graphite-CNF Composite”, The 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials Research (ICAMR 2018), Jan. 2018, Fukuoka, Japan
66. Tae Yang Han, Jun Hyun Han
“Direct Growth of Graphene on NiTi Alloy for Reduction of Magnetic Resonance Artifact”, The 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials Research (ICAMR 2018), Jan. 2018, Fukuoka, Japan
65. Tae Yang Han, You Han Sohn, Sang Yeol Kim, Hyun Chul Jung, Hyunyoo Kim, Sang Ro Lee, Jun Hyun Han
“Effects of flow rate of methane gas on reduction of tin oxide”, 2nd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Smart Materials (ICEESM 2017), July 2017, Ryon, France.
64. Sang-Yeol Kim, Hyun-Chol Jung, Sang-Ro Lee, Hyunyoo Kim, Jun Hyun Han
“Study on recovery of tin from tin plating sludge using dry smelting and electrolytic refining”, 2017 The 2nd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Smart Materials (ICEESM 2017), July 2017, Ryon, France.
63. Ari Shin, Sang Jin Park, Jun Hyun Han
“Effects of carbon coating on magnetic susceptibility of NiTi alloy”, The Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society 146th Annual Meeting (TMS 2017 Annual Meeting), Feb. 2017, San Diego, United States.
62. Ari Shin, Sang Jin Park, Jun Hyun Han
“Thermal properties of CNF/Cu nano-composites fabricated using electroless plating”, The 24th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM9), Aug. 2016, Kyoto, Japan.
61. Ari Shin, Jun Hyun Han
“Study on the dispersion method of CNF for high thermal conductivity in CNF/Cu nanocomposites”, 24th International Conference on Composites/Nano-Engineering (ICCE-24), July 2016, Haikou, China.
60. Jun Hyun Han
“Fabrication of copper pattern with high adhesion via nano-structuring of PET substrate”, International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing Advanced Materials Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Application (THERMEC 2016), May 2016, Graz, Austria.
59. A. R. Shin, S. C. Cho, S. J. Park, J. H. Han
“Thermal properties of CNF/Cu nano-composites fabricated using electroless plating”, 14th International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM2015), Oct. 2015, Jeju, Korea.
58. Sang Jin Park, Tae-JunKo, Juil Yoon, Myoung-Woon Moon, Jun Hyun Han
“Direct patterning of copper circuit on PET using selective surface modification and electroless plating”, 14th International Union of Materials Research Societies-International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM2015), Oct. 2015, Jeju, Korea.
57. K. K. Jee, J. H. Han, W. Y. Jang
“SMA actuator with least energy consumption”, International Conference on Martensitic Transformations 2014 (ICOMAT2014), July 2014, Bilbao, Spain.
56. Sung Chul Cho, Hye Sung Kim, Jun Hyun Han
“Effects of AlN Volume Fraction on Thermal Properties of AlN/Cu Composite”, 1st International Conference on Computational and experimental methods for composite materials and structures (ICCEMCMS2014), Sept. 2014, Harbin, China.
55. Sang Jin Park, Tae-Jun Ko, Myoung-Woon Moon, Juil Yoon, Jun Hyun Han
“Direct copper patterning on polyethylene terephthalate using surface modification and electroless plating”, TMS 2014, Feb. 2014, San Diego, USA
54. Junwoo Lee, Yong Kyoung Yoo, Jun Hyun Han, Jeong Hoon Lee
“All-thin-film MEMS based PZT/Terfenol-D Magnetoelectric devices”, The 2nd International Conference on Advanced electromaterials (ICAE2013), Nov. 2013, Jeju, Korea
53. S.J. Park, T.J. Ko, M.W. Moon, O.C. Kwon, J.I. Yoon, J.H. Han
“Adhesion between nano-structured PET and electroless plated copper film”, 8th CNU-NUDT International Joint symposium, Aug. 2013, Daejeon, Korea
52. Jun Hyun Han
“Deformation Behaviors and Texture Evolution during In-situ Deformation of Aluminum Single Crystal”, 8th CNU-NUDT International Joint symposium, Aug. 2013, Daejeon, Korea
51. Kwang Koo Jee, Jun Hyun Han, Woo Yang Jang
“Some merits of coil orientation change for shape memory alloys”, The 8th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM8), Aug. 2013, Hawaii, USA
50. Jun Hyun Han, Kwang Koo Jee
“Carbon nanofiber reinforced Al matrix composites fabricated by melt stirring”, Collaborative Conference on Materials Research (CC3DMR 2013), June 2013, Jeju, Korea
49. Yong Seok Choi, Kyung Il Kim, Heung Nam Han, Kyu Hwan Oh, Suk Hoon Kang, Jinsung Jang, and Jun-Hyun Han
“Dynamic recrystallization of high purity aluminum at room temperature”, 5th International Conference on Recrystallization & Grain Growth (ReX&GG 2013), May 2013, Sydney, Australia
48. Jun Hyun Han, Se Il Oh, Young Jin Ko
“Development of CNF Reinforced Aluminum Nanocomposites Using Liquid Processing”, 7th CNU-NUDT International Joint symposium, Nov. 2012, Changsa, China
47. Dong Gun Lee, Sung Man Kim, Yong Kyung Yoo, Jun Hyun Han, Won Woo Jo, Jeong Hoon Lee
“All Thin Film Micromachined Cantilever Using PZT/Terfenol-D Multilayer for High Sensitive Magnetoelectric Sensors”, Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science (PRiME 2012), Oct. 2012, Hawaii, USA
46. Dong Gun Lee, Jun woo Lee, Wook Choi, Jun Hyun Han, Jeong Hoon Lee
“High sensitive magnetoelectric micro-bridge current sensors”, International Conference on Electronic Materials and Nanotechnology for Green Environment (ENGE2012), Sep. 2012, Jeju, Korea
45. T.J. Lee, H.J. Kim, J.H. Han
“Magnetic properties of Fe-Si cores isolated by NiZn-ferrite coating”, The 7th Korea-Vietnam International Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials, Sep. 2012, Gyeongju, Korea
44. Y.B. Lee, J.Y. Lim, Y.C. Kim, J.H. Han
“Effect of CNF content on the wear behavior of CNF/Al nano-composites”, The 7th Korea-Vietnam International Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials, Sep. 2012, Gyeongju, Korea
43. Jun Hyun Han
“Fabrication of CNF/Aluminum nanocomposites using liquid processing”, The 7th Korea-Vietnam International Joint Symposium on Advanced Materials, Sep. 2012, Gyeongju, Korea
42. Jun Young Lim, Yu Chan Kim, Young Jin Ko, Jun Hyun Han
“The mechanical properties of carbon nanofiber (CNF) reinforced A7021 nanocomposite fabricated by liquid process”, International Union of Materials Research Society–International Confernece in Asia 2012 (IUMRS-ICA 2012), Aug. 2012, Busan, Korea
41. Jun Hyun Han, Juil Yoon, Kwang Koo Jee, Joost J. Vlassak
“Thermoelastic Strain in Polycrystalline Fe-Pd Shape Memory Alloy Thin Film”, International Union of Materials Research Society–International Confernece in Asia 2012 (IUMRS-ICA 2012), Aug. 2012, Busan, Korea
40. J. Yoon, J.H. Han, E.S. Park, J.P. Ahn
“The study on the thermo-mechanical enhancement of electronic packaging using high volume fraction AlN/Al composites”, International Union of Materials Research Society – International Confernece in Asia 2012 (IUMRS-ICA 2012), Aug. 2012, Busan, Korea
39. J. Yoon, J.H. Han
“Evaluation of the effective thermal Properties of Metal-Matrix Composites by considering the filler distribution”, 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM15), June 2012. Venice, Italy
38. J.H. Han, S.E. Oh, J.Y. Lim, K.K. Jee, J. Yoon“Wear characterization of CNF/Al composites fabricated by liquid processing”, 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM15), June 2012. Venice, Italy
37. Yong Seok Choi, Do Hyun Kim, Hyun Sik Choi, Suk Hoon kang, Jun Hyun Han, Heung Nam Han, Kyu Hwan Oh
“In-situ microstructure evolution of pure aluminum single crystal under plane strain tension”, 2012 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS2012), Mar. 2012, Orlando, USA
36. J.H. Han, S.I. Oh, J.Y. Lim
“Mechanical properties of CNF/Al alloy nanocomposites fabricated by liquid processing”, 2011 CNU-HU Joint Symposium, Nov. 2011, Daejeon, Korea
35. J. Yoon, E.S. Park, J.H. Han
“The Effective Thermal Conductivity of Square Lattice Structure of High Filler Loading Composites Using Finite Element Simulation”, The 18th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM18), Aug. 2011, Jeju, Korea
34. J.H. Han, S.I. Oh, J.Y. Lim, J. Yoon, Y.M. Sung
“Fabrication of carbon nano fiber reinforced aluminum composites by liquid processing” THERMEC 2011, Aug. 2011, Quebec, Canada
33. Kwang Koo Jee, Jun Hyun Han, J.M. Park, Woo Yang Jang,
“New SMA Actuator with High Energy Efficiency and Quick Response”, RICM7, Aug. 2010, Cairns, Australia.
32. Jun Hyun Han, Hyun Tae Ahn, Tae Hyun Kim, Kwang Koo Jee,
“Shape Memory Effect in Fe-Pd Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy Thin Films”, RICM7, Aug. 2010, Cairns, Australia.
31. Jun Hyun Han, Hyun Kwang Seok, Sang Soo Lee, Kwang Koo Jee,
“Copper plating on carbon nanotube for manufacturing aluminum matrix composites”, E-MRS 2009 Fall meeting (E-MRS2009), Sep. 2009, Warsawa, Poland
30. Kyung Ho Kim, Hyung-jun Kim, Il Jae Shin, Jun-Hyun Han, and Suk Hee Han,
“Epitaxial relationship of Fe/MgO on InxGa1-xAs substrate”, Asian Magnetic Conference 2008, Dec. 2008. 12, Busan, Korea
29. J. H. Han, J. P. Ahn, D. H. Kim, K. H. Oh, S. H. Han,
“Nitrogen induced amorphization of crystallized Fe-Si-B-Cu-Nb amorphous powders”, 2008 MRS Fall Meeting (MRS2008), Dec. 2008, Boston, USA
28. H. T. Ahn, M. -W. Moon, S. H. Han, S. H. Lim, J. H. Han,
“Effects of magnetic substrate on magnetic properties of sputtered Fe thin film”, 4th Vacuum and surface science conference of Asia and Australia (VASSCAA-4), Oct. 2008, Matsue, Japan
27. Jun-Hyun Han, Jae-Hyun Kim, Myoung-Woon Moon, Seoung-Hee Han, Joost J. Vlassak,
“Surface instability caused by stress during chemical etching of silicon wafer”, First International Coference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP 2008), August 2008, Cheju, Korea
26. M.-W. Moon, J.-H. Han, K.-R. Lee and, K.H. Oh,
“A Direct Nano-scale Patterning Method on Soft Polymers Using Focused Ion Beam Technique”, First International Coference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP 2008), August 2008, Cheju, Korea
25. K. K. Jee, J. H. Han, Y. B. Kim, D. H. Lee, W. Y. Jang,
“New method for improving properties of SMA coil spring”, 2007 International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (2007 SMST), Dec. 1007, Tsukuba, Japan
24. Myung Woon Moon, Jun Hyun Han, Kwang Ryeol Lee, Kyu Hwan Oh, Ashkan Vaziri, John W. Hutchinson,
“Ripples on Polyimide Induced by Focused Ion Beam”, 2007 MRS Fall Meeting (MRS2007), Nov. 2007, Boston, USA
23. Jun-Hyun Han, Jae-Hyun Kim, Won-Young Jeung, Joost J. Vlassak,
“Effects of stress on surface roughness in chemical etching of silicon”, 2007 MRS Fall Meeting (MRS2007), Nov. 2007, Boston, USA
22. Myoung-Woon Moon and Jun Hyun Han,
“A Measurement of Elastic Modulus for a Tungsten Film on Polymer Using Wrinkling Analysis”, International Conference on Mechanical Behavior of Materials (ICM 10), July 2007, Busan, Korea
21. Jun Hyun Han, Myoung Woon Moon, Jae Hyun Kim Joost, J. Vlassak,
“Evaluation of elastic moduli of multi-layered thin films on polymer substrates using wrinkling analysis”, 2006 MRS Fall Meeting (MRS2006), Nov. 2006, Boston, USA
20. J. H. Han, T. H. Kim, J. K. Yoon, K. K. Jee, K. Y. Kim
“Chemical vapor deposition of nitride film on Fe-based powder”, European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2005), Sep. 2005, Czech, Prague
19. J. Chang, S. Han, H. Kim. J. Han
“Annealing effect on the magnetoresistance of electroplated bismuth film”, European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2005), Sep. 2005, Czech, Prague
18. K. K. Jee, J. H. Han, W. Y. Jang
“Effect of grain size on amount of deformation-induced e martensite and shape memory alloy in Fe-Mn alloy”, E-MRS 05, Sep. 2005, Warszawa, Poland
17. B. Choi, Joonyeon Chang, J. Han, S. H. Han, H.J. KIm, G. T. Kim
“Annealing effect on the magnetoresistance of electroplated bismuth film”, The 12th Int. Conf. on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials (RQ12), Aug. 2005, Jeju, Korea
16. Jun-Hyun Han, Tae-Hoon Kim Jin-Kook Yoon, Kwang-Koo Jee, Kwang-Yoon Kim
“Formation of nitride film on amorphous ribbon using chemical vapor deposition”, The 12th Int. Conf. on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials (RQ12), Aug. 2005, Jeju, Korea
15. K. K. Jee, J. H. Han, W. Y. Jang
“New method of pipe joining using shape memory alloys”, Int. Conf. on Martensitic Transformations (ICOMAT 05), June 2005, Shanghai, China
14. Jun-Hyun Han, Jin-Kook Yoon, Kwang-Koo Jee, Jae-Chul Lee
“Texture evolution and formability in 1050 Al alloys processed by continuous equal channel angular pressing”, The 11th Int. Symposium on Plasticity and Current Application (Plasticity 2005), p.43-45, Jan. 2005, Lihue, Hawaii, USA.
13. Jun-Hyun Han, Hyung-Joon Chang, Jin-Kook Yoon, Kwang-Koo Jee, Jong-Woo Park, Kyu Hwan Oh
“Deformation behavior analysis in ECAP using arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Formulation”, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM-2), p.426-428, Oct. 2004, UCLA, USA.
12. Jun-Hyun Han, Dong-Ik Kim, Kwang-Koo Jee, Kyu-Hwam Oh
“In-situ orientation Rotation Behavior Study during Tensile Deformation of Aluminum Single crystal and Polycrystal”, The 3rd International Symposium on Designing, Processing and Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials (ASAEM-2003), Nov. 2003, Jeju, Korea.
11. Jun-Hyun Han, Dong-Ik Kim, Kwang-Koo Jee, Kyu-Hwam Oh
“Crystallographic Evolution in Aluminum Single Crystal During In-situ Tensile Deformation”, The 13th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA-13), Aug. 2003, Budapest, Hungary
10. Jun-Hyun Han, Kyu-Hwan Oh, Jae-Chul Lee
“Effect of Accumulative Strain on the Texture Evolution in 1050 Al alloys Processed by Continuous Confined Strip Shearing”, The 13th International Conference on the Strength of Materials (ICSMA-13), Aug. 2003, Budapest, Hungary
9. Jun-Hyun Han, Kyu Hwan Oh, Young Hoon Chung
“In Situ Deformation Behavior Study during Uniaxial Tension of Aluminum Alloys Using a High Resolution EBSD”, The Sixth Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications (AEPA2002), Dec. 2002, Sydney, Australia
8. K.K. Park, S.T. Oh, S.M. Baeck, D.-I. Kim, J.H. Han, H.N. Han, S.-H. Park, C.G. Lee, S.-J. Kim,K.H. Oh
“In Situ Deformation Behavior of Retained Austenite in TRIP Steel”, Thirteenth International Conference of Textures of Materials (ICOTOM13), Aug, 2002, Seoul, Korea
7. Jun-Hyun Han, Suk Min Baeck, Kyu Hwan Oh and Young Hoon Chung
“Orientation Correction Method of Distorted Samples During In-situ Deformations Using High Resolution EBSD”, Thirteenth International Conference of Textures of Materials (ICOTOM13), Aug, 2002, Seoul, Korea
6. Jun-Hyun Han, Kyu Hwan Oh, Kwang Koo Jee, Young Hoon Chung, Myung Chul Shin
“Texture Evolutions of 5052 Aluminum Alloy Sheets Processed by Dissimilar Channel Angular Pressing”, Thirteenth International Conference of Textures of Materials (ICOTOM13), Aug, 2002, Seoul, Korea
5. Tae-In Kim, Jun Hyun Han, Eui-Kwan Hwang
“A SEM study on fitness of the Protect-447 dental implant”, The 24th Asia Pacific Dental Congress, April 2002, Seoul, Korea
4. Jun-Hyun Han, Kyu-Hwan Oh, Kwang Koo Jee Young-Hoon Chung, Myung-Chul Shin
“Formability and planar anisotropy of 5052 Al alloy Sheets processed by Continuous Equal Channel Angular Pressing”, The Fourth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), Dec. 2001, Hawai, USA
3. J. C. Lee, J. H. Han, H. K. Seok, H. I. Lee
“Structural evolutions of the strip cast Al alloy sheet processed by continuous confined strip shearing based on equal channel angular pressing”, The Fourth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM4), Dec. 2001, Hawai, USA
2. J. C. Lee, H. K. Seok, J. H. Han, J. Y. Suh, H. I. Lee
“Texture evolutions of the strip cast Al alloy sheet processed by continuous confined strip shearing based on Equal Channel Angular pressing”, The Second Int. Conf. on Light Materials for Transportation System ( LIMAT-2001) p.317-324, May 2001, Pusan, Korea
1. J. H. Han, M. C. Shin, H. Kang
“The Effect of Grain Structure on the Current-Density Exponent in the Black Equation for Al-Based Interconnects”, The 4th International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM98), Aug, 1998, Jeju, Korea